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10/03/17: Spanish→13:50h - 14:45h

·Student's Strike
The student's strike is celebrated next Thursday.
When there is strike, people don't go to demostrations and they stay in their houses.
In our opinion this  is not good because they must fight for they education.
The strike is celebrated because the students don't like the education of this country.

·Tarragona excursion
Next Friday, the students of 4th ESO will go to Tarragona to visit a university. They will go at 8:15h and return at 14:45h.
The excursion is free.

Written by Júlia Galimany, Aaron Palacios and Shakira Ouarghi.

EVENTS: 22/02/17-03/03/17


22/02/17 :Technology exam →11:40h

24/02/17 : Maths exam→ 9:15h

01/03/17: FIQ exam

03/03/17: Catalan exam


24/02/17:Carnival Festival in Vendrell→ 20:00h/ Carnival Festival in Segur de Calafell→ 21:00h

25/02/17: Carnival Festival in Calafell Beach→ 22:00h

26/02/17:Carnival Festival in Arboç →in the morning/ Carnival Festival in Calafell Village→ 17:00

27/02/17:Festive day

Written by Ione, Ivan, Eric, Julia

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